Academics4Impact - L'impact de l'enseignement supérieur et de la science en Équateur, en Bolivie et au Pérou

Ces 27 et 28 mai 2024, à Lima (Pérou), l’ARES, le VLIR-UOS et l’Institut de médecine tropicale (IMT) en collaboration avec leurs partenaires péruviens, équatoriens et boliviens organisent l'événement Academics4Impact.

Cet événement sera l'occasion d'échanger des idées et des connaissances sur le développement rural durable, les partenariats institutionnels universitaires et Global One Health. L'événement aura une portée régionale, couvrant les partenariats entre les établissements d'enseignement supérieur et de formation professionnelle belges et les institutions universitaires ou autres organisations en Équateur, en Bolivie et au Pérou.

Vous pouvez suivre les différentes sessions de cet événement en livestream.


  • If you have already registered for online participation, you will find the meeting links below.
  • If you have not yet registered, you can still do so for online participation only, here.

En résumé

Monday May 27  -  Link : Click here    - ID : 971 2504 3221  -  Code : 856726


When ? Peruvian time

When ? European time

Opening sessions    14.30 to 15.30 21.30 to 22.30
Impact of Scholarships   15.30 to 17.30  22.30 to 00.30


Tuesday May 28  -  Link : Click here  - ID: 935 6400 9369 - Code: 711971


When ? Peruvian time

When ? European time

Session 1 : Sustainable development

  9.00 to 11.00 16.00 to 18.00

Session 2 : Institutional partnerships

  11.15 to 13.00 18.15 to 20.00

Session 3: Global health

  14.30 to 16.30 21.30 to 23.30
Concluding remarks   16.30 to 17.00 23.30 to 00.00

Programme complet

Monday 27th

Opening : 14.30 to 15.30  or 21.30 to 22.30

The impact of scholarships : 15.30 to 17.30  or 22.30 to 00.30

Objectives: Welcoming all participants, outlining the objectives of the SD, provide overview of the program, and presenting the JSF HES4SD.

Presenters / panellists:

  • VLIR-UOS: Peter Delannoy
  • ARES: Tanguy Goethals
  • ITM: Wouter Boesman
  • Moderator : Bram Riems

Tuesday 28th : 09.00 - 11.00  or  16.00 to 18.00

Session 1  “Sustainable Development”


  • Introduce the importance of the SDGs for the academic community  
  • Discuss joint opportunities and challenges of academic cooperation on sustainable development
  • Showcase added value of partnerships with Andean partners on rural development, (agro-ecology and value chains).

Presenters / panellists:

  • VLIR-UOS: Marcela Losantos Velasco (Universidad Catholica Boliviana, La Paz) (Web: Doctor in Psychology at VUB and UCB – La Paz.  Coordinator of the IUC project with UCB which works along an approach based on transdisciplinary learning, a strong community based approach in different regions/Communities of Bolivia.  Marcela is a professor of the undergraduate and postgraduate programs of family therapy at the UCB and coordinates the Research Institute in the Behavioral Sciences at the same university.
  • ARES: Stéphane Leyens is Professor of philosophy at the University of Namur. His main fields of interest are development ethics and social justice issues. He has been coordinator of two Research Projects for Development (ARES), in the Philippines and Peru, both dealing with social dimensions of sustainable development.
  • Eric Capoen is an agronomist engineer from Gembloux AgroBioTech (Belgium), he has 20 years of experience in Central and South America as coordinator, advisor and consultant of programmes and projects of sustainable rural development and research and development projects, among others in agroecology, territorial and natural resources management and governance. He is currently coordinator of Eclosio's Lima office for Peru-Bolivia. Eclosio is the NGO of the University of Liège, Belgium, member of Uni4Coop, a consortium of French-speaking Belgian university NGOs. It is also lead of the geographic JSF Peru, which brings together 10 Belgian NGOs present in Peru.
  • Moderator : Eric Remacle / tbc Prof Carlos Gomez, Universidad Agraria Nacional La Molina (UNALM) (Phd Animal Nutrition and Main Professor in Zootechnics at UNALM university. Experience in HE management,research and social projection, pedagogical innovation)

Tuesday 28th - 11.15 - 13.00 or 18.15 to 20.00

Session 2 “Institutional Partnerships”


  • Present different examples of long-term, institutional partnerships between Belgian and Andean HEIs
  • Discuss joint opportunities and challenges of institutional, long-term partnerships 
  • The focus of this session is on the evolution of the nature of partnerships over time, including in terms of equity and shifts in power, mutual benefits, capacity strengthening approaches

Presenters / panellists:

  • VLIR-UOS: Paul Herrera (ESPOL, Ecuador). Supported in the presentation on Institutional Partnerships by Fabian Leon Tamariz (former IUC coordinator UCuenca, UCuenca Dean, former team member Network biodiscovery and natural sciences).
  • Paul Herrera is an international expert in educational management, with a fervent commitment to research and teaching in agricultural and natural resource economics, and marketing analysis. Former Vicerector of the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) from 2017 to 2022. Under his leadership, ESPOL achieved unprecedented recognition as Ecuador's premier public university, endorsed by the most esteemed international accreditations including ABET, EURACE, AACSB, AMBA, and PMI, underscoring our unwavering dedication to quality education.
  • Fabian Leon Tamariz holds a PhD from KU Leuven, and is an expert in pharmacological applications with medicinal plants. Former IUC coordinator UCuenca. Curently Dean at UCuenca. Also team member in the Network biodiscovery and natural sciences
  • ARES: Dr. Silvestre Nicasio Quispe Suni (UNSAAC): Doctor in Health Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of Nursing of the National University of San Antonio Aba del Cusco, Director of Quality and Accreditation of the UNSAAC, External Evaluator of SINEACE, Specialist in self-evaluation CONEAU, academic PAR in the result of Public Health in the Agreement CIUF UNSAAC and later in the result UNS01 teaching process in the Agreement ARES UNSAAC, Current Academic Coordinator of the Institutional Support Programme ARES UNSAAC and Director of Academic Management of the UNSAAC.
  • ITM: Prof. Dr. Faustino Torrico. Since 1991, Faustino Torrico is a Professor of Parasitic Diseases and Infectious Diseases at the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Mayor de San Simon (UMSS), in Cochabamba, Bolivia. At the same university, Prof. Torrico is also Coordinator and Professor of Tropical Medicine for the post graduate course in Tropical Medicine. Dr Torrico was responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease within the National Control Programme from 2004 to 2007. His main research areas focus on prevalent infectious diseases (Chagas, tuberculosis, leishmaniasis and HIV). Furthermore, he has coordinated cooperation programs between UMSS and ITM, as well as with French-speaking Belgian universities.
  • Moderator: Theresa Ochoa (AvH)

Tuesday 28th - 14.30-16.30 or  21.30 to 23.30

Session 3 “Global Health”

Objectives: Discuss joint opportunities and challenges of scientific support and collaboration in the field of Global health, with a focus on infectious diseases.

Presenters / panellists:

  • ITM: Dr Coralith García Apac is a specialist in Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases from the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH). She obtained her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and is currently a Professor at UPCH, and an attending physician at the Hospital Nacional Cayetano Heredia.
  • VLIR-UOS: Presenter Viviana Pinedo (promotor TEAM project CeroMalaria and LAura 2.0 with Universidad de la Amazonia Peruana (UNAP), complemented by experience of Phd Student Susan Paredes, (CeroMalaria-project UA-UNAP, Peru).   
  • ARES:Patricia Rodriguez is a Bolivian national, born in Cochabamba in 1965. She studied biology at the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS). She began her carreer as a collaborator in the immunology laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, where she took her first steps in research by participating in research on Chagas. Thanks to a grant from a training programme between the UMSS's Faculty of Biochemistry and the Belgian Cooperation Agency, she was able to complete her master's degree. Her ongoing participation in projects on the same subject and with the same group of collaborators enabled her to do a traineeship at the ULB Parasitology Laboratory. This was an important step in continuing her research career and completing a PhD in the same laboratory. At the end of her training, she returned to Bolivia, where she managed and participated in several research projects with funding from the Belgian academic cooperation.
  • Moderator: Dr Katherine Jessica Torres Fajardo (ITMAvH)

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